

1.A Tale of Two Cities 

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us... Charles Dickens’ famous opening lines for A Tale Of Two Cities set up an atmosphere for a novel about a time where Paris and London are at odds with each other. This novel is an intense story that intertwines love and loyalty amidst a bloodshed from those affected by The French Revolution. It is an epic tale based in historical context with many characters whose paths intertwine as they experience love and hate from differing perspectives in these two cities.

2. Sense and Sensibility 

Jane Austen's "Sense And Sensibility" first published in 1811 tells a timeless story about two very different sisters who learn how to navigate around life's conflicts related to their class status in Georgian era England. Elinor Dashwood represents "sense" while her younger sister Marianne represents "sensibility". Elinor must balance between her own heart's desire and family's need while Marianne has difficulty understanding why she should restrain her wilder impulses even though she loves deeply as well. Contrary to expectations amongst their morning friends and acquaintances: Willoughby whom Marianne falls in love with and Edward Ferrars whom Elinor holds dear turn out not to be who they initially appeared to be when they first entered their lives. Along this journey full of revelations both girls come out stronger people who understand a lot more about society than when they began this journey together. In addition there are a host charming supporting characters such as their brother John Dashwood who plays pivotal roles in developing plot so skillfully spun by Austen that spans over several interesting months where we see how fate twists events along our protagonists lives towards a satisfying ending..

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