
 1. The Internet - Necessity or Luxury? 

The Internet has become an essential part of modern life, from ordering groceries to finding information for school projects; almost everything can be found online. But is it really a necessity or is it a luxury? 

For many people, the internet has become a regular component of their daily routine. Without it, they are unable to access the information they need or get things done as quickly and efficiently as before. Accessing the internet is also becoming easier and cheaper, meaning that its use is widespread even in parts of the world where it was once too expensive or difficult to do so. 

The internet offers vast amounts of information and entertainment, making people’s lives easier and more enjoyable. People can find out almost anything they like on any subject they choose thanks to the spread of internet knowledge. Not only does this make basic activities more efficient, but opens up whole new worlds of potential creativity that may never have been possible before if we hadn’t connected online. 

On the other hand, some argue that our overuse of the internet can be damaging both mentally and physically. Studies show that people who spend too much time online are often more depressed and anxious than those who don’t; leading digital experts argue that this is due to social media overload and low self-esteem arising from comparison with others online about their lives and achievements in a way that isn’t real-life. Furthermore, all those hours glued to computers mean people are sacrificing physical activities in favour of mental stimulation – something which isn’t healthy or beneficial for anyone long-term.  

At present then it could be argued both ways - while there are undeniable benefits to using the internet, there are also potential drawbacks when used excessively or carelessly without proper attention being paid to one's health - both mental and physical! What we do know however is that refusing to go online won't be an option for most people in the years going forward, so learning how best to use it will become increasingly important in order to enjoy its full range of benefits without suffering unnecessary negative consequences.

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